Hermès is synonymous with iconic luxury pieces, and the coveted Clic Clac bracelet is a must-have when it comes to accessories by the French luxury label. With its minimal yet instantly recognizable design, the Clic Clac lends itself to being easily knocked off.

As part of the platinum family, Palladium has a very clean silver tone to it, whereas some counterfeits may look more blue or brown. Likewise, Permabrass has a very pure yellow gold color to it, and should not be orange or show copper undertones.

The technique used to make an Hermès Clic Clac is applied enamel work, meaning a solid piece is set into the metal framework. The enamel should be slightly domed at the edges. Many counterfeits use a poured resin technique which results in a flat enamel surface.

Brand Hallmarks
“Hermès” should be printed in all caps on one side of the interior of the hinge. Beneath it you will find a single capital letter that indicates the year in which it was made. These follow the pattern of the date stamps Hermès uses on its leather goods — for example, on the Clic Clac below, the “O” indicates that it was manufactured in 2011. It is worth noting that in 2015, Hermès abandoned this system, which has been in place since the 1950s, and going forward will be using different markings. On the opposite side of the hinge, it should say “Made In France” in all caps if the piece was made circa 2010 or later.

When inspecting the shape of a Clic Clac, we look to see that it is an oval, which fits ergonomically on the wrist; many counterfeit bracelets are circular.
